Friday, June 12, 2009

Voices of a Distant Star

I found it!

The anime short that made me cry.
I first saw it about 2 yrs ago - surfing Astro, flipping channels.
There was no indication of its name.
I sat, mesmerized for 20 minutes.

It's ACHINGLY beautiful.
Made entirely on the director's Mac, voiced by the director & his fiance.

Mikako, a middle school girl, is drafted into some advanced Space Program sent to find the Tarsians around Mars and Jupiter. She leaves behind her soulmate, Noburo.

They communicate via some email sent through mobile phones. As she moves further and further into the star systems, it takes longer and longer to get each message through. Years pass between messages. Noburo tries to move on - live his own life, but he cannot seem to let go. His heart stops every time the phone beeps.

There are flashbacks of her childhood with Noburo - flashes of rainy afternoons spent talking at a bus stop, bike rides together, of watching the starship wakes claw across the sky.

As the battles rage on, ships are lost. Both wonder - even as he receives the messages, is she still even alive?

He's old enough now to join the navy. There's some vague indication that he's joining the rescue missions for the missing or destroyed ships.

I both hate and love the fact that the ending is left ambiguous.
She drifts off during a battle. We never find out if her mothership has been destroyed, leaving her helpless in space, surrounded by the enemy.

It's the ultimate long distance love story.
And it made me cry all over again.