Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Movie Review: Sucker Punch

I love love love!

From the Director of "The 300". Nuff said.

Glorious lighting, CGI, background colour, cinematography, it's an action-packed fantasy flick. It looked like the movie version of a manga or video game. From dragons to steam-powered Nazi soldiers... machine guns, samurai swords, sailor cosplay, leather, helicopters, trains, bombs... the eye is never still. If that's your cup of tea, GO WATCH IT! I had a GREAT time!

Not to be watched from your tiny TV or computer - to fully appreciate the effects, pay the price of the ticket. Seriously.

Story wise, it's nothing too deep nor meaningful. The storyline (though somewhat stereotypical & hence predictable) is enough to keep the action going. It's just a filler between CGI segments, really, so expect that.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Movie Review: Battle: Los Angeles

I feel like I've seen this movie before. Several times.
It's Independence Day meets War of the Worlds meets Black Hawk Down meets AvP.

Many things were broken in the making of this movie.
It's a flick you want to see in a movie theatre - to fully enjoy the special effects.
The aliens were ... not the point of the movie.
It's about how an aging Marine rediscovers his usefulness in the face of alien-induced adversity.

(cue violins)
"My men who died are engraved in my mind - I miss them everyday... "
"They're your men - not mine, (but I'll just quietly play hero cos I've been in the service longer than you've been alive)..."
"I need you to be brave. I need you to be a little marine for me, because Marines don't quit..."
And many such meaningful lines are some of the things you should expect of the dialog.

Go watch it in the cinema, it's a blast.
Most times, quite literally!

Malaysia Boleh.... masuk International News!

Those of you who are on my FB would have seen my disbelieving rant when I first came across this little bit of news about my "First Lady".

I mean... You gotta be KIDDING me... Disaster because Japan isn't using "Green Tech" and didn't perform a freaking Site Survey when building?? What does she expect, "Oh. Earthquake Belt. Let's SHIFT THE COUNTRY OVER THERE A LITTLE"???

This isn't a case of a landslide because some idiot didn't check for underground rivers, you moron. What Green Tech would shield the beach from a freaking Tsunami??

And now, she's gone international!

I'm so fucking proud of this woman that I don't know what to do with myself.
Yes, I'm being sarcastic.