Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Movie Review: Sucker Punch

I love love love!

From the Director of "The 300". Nuff said.

Glorious lighting, CGI, background colour, cinematography, it's an action-packed fantasy flick. It looked like the movie version of a manga or video game. From dragons to steam-powered Nazi soldiers... machine guns, samurai swords, sailor cosplay, leather, helicopters, trains, bombs... the eye is never still. If that's your cup of tea, GO WATCH IT! I had a GREAT time!

Not to be watched from your tiny TV or computer - to fully appreciate the effects, pay the price of the ticket. Seriously.

Story wise, it's nothing too deep nor meaningful. The storyline (though somewhat stereotypical & hence predictable) is enough to keep the action going. It's just a filler between CGI segments, really, so expect that.