Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lat, The Kampung Boy: The Musical

I didn't do any research before buying tickets, so I had no idea what I was in for. I went in blind. Mum wanted to watch & that was good enough for me! Tip: If you want to spring for tickets in Istana Budaya, Row J is a really nice buy. Not too close to the stage so you have to crane, but close enough for it to be worth the moolah. Esp if you get aisle seats off the centre!
"Dah ternampak jerawat dah ni..." was a comment from the dude sitting in Row G. *grin*

Show late. *mumble mumble mumble* Yasmin Yusof on the PA System announcing... Dr M & Siti Hasmah, no less! No wonder the show started late lah... It had been raining & I dunno if he still has outrider privileges! Hahaha

Producer: Hans Isaac
Writer: Harith Iskandar (apparently with the help of Kuah Jenhan - can't wait to watch him in PJLaughFest! :))
Co-directors: Hans & Harith

Daniel Eezkandar Azraien as the young Lat was AMAZING! He had a really clear, soaring, precise voice. Watch him. I'm telling you. He's going places! Nicholas Low is going to be a comedian. Anyone who saw him do Frankie knows it. His comedic timing was Spot on! He's going to KILL.

Awie as Lat was ok. Power is there, but sometimes words get swallowed. He's not all that, or maybe he was just tired cos it was the Very Last Show. Sandra Sodhy was Instantly recognizable, but OMG... I did NOT believe it was Rahim Razali as Pak Samad!

Douglas was Douglas (as usual). *laugh* I don't know what Frankie is like IRL, but Douglas was Douglas! He stole the scenes he was in, and got the best laughs of the night.

The music was well written - a really nice duet with Sandra Sodhy & Atilia, but nothing you'll hear anyone humming on the way out. Some of the phrasing sounded off to me - like they were trying to fit jazz lyrics to a samba beat. Kadang tak on. The live orchestra was Fantastic!

Coreography was great. There was always something to keep the eye busy. The entire thing was a little too angsty for my liking. Not enough Kampung & too much on grown-up Lat's battle between family & fame. Stereotyped.

All-in-all, worth the price of the ticket.
And apparently, the best grossing home-grown musical in history!


Sherry said...

Wow, cepatnya update! Hope your mom enjoyed the show!

Lyn said...

Insomia, and She did, thanks! :)