Monday, January 17, 2011

Do you feel lucky, punk?

I spent Sunday afternoon at the shooting range! With Live Ammunition!

Got there at about 3, had a half-hour briefing where they showed you how to stand, hold a gun, load a magazine, aim, muzzle discipline, etc... then on to the firing range! I was the first up & they made us run the first shot without earphones so that we wouldn't be shocked by the noise thereafter. I was so gobsmacked by the crack and the ringing in my ears that I stood there shell-shocked & the marshal had to remove the gun from my numb fingers.

That having been said, I soon got into the rhythm of things. What the marshal said is true! Girls are Way better than boys at shooting.
With a Glock 17, at 5m, I got a perfect 50 points! *boggle*
At 13m, I got a bulls-eye! (I'm conveniently ignoring the 3,4, 7 and 8 that accompanied the bulls-eye *grin*)

One more thing to add to my "been there, done that" list.
It was *disturbing* how much I enjoyed myself.
Now to find a therapist... I had no idea that deep inside, I am somewhat of a sociopath. *laugh*