Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CNY was teh HAWT!

... and not even in a good way! :(

If reports are to be believed, it was 36C in the shade in Taiping.
Once the wettest town in the whole goddamn country.
36C in the SHADE.
Fuck does not begin to cover it.

We hid in air-conditioned rooms (where available) and took umpteenth baths a day. What rain there was only made matters worse (read: HUMID). I had to wear sunblock in the house! OMFG I am SO brown now.

Being home with family was of course, terribly wonderful and wonderfully terrible. *laugh* Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that!

Tue - met up with old friends & gambled till 3am.
Weds - drove back to KL & had dinner with some friends & chatted till 3am.
Thr - worked, tried to sleep, but for some reason, slept only past 2am.
Fri - worked, partied till 5:30am
Sat - worked, yoga, partied till 4:30am
Sun - woke up @ 7:30am to sms my cousin that I wasn't coming for his fucking dawn breakfast, went back to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Oy.... I don't recover as fast as I used to! *laugh*
The days when Pauline and I used to party till 5:30 and go to work the next day (and repeat ad nauseum till the weekend, when we *still* partied but didn't have to work!!!) are *SO* gone.

The week after CNY was peppered with company dinners and department lunches and CNY lunches with vendors, etc. I can NOT look another yee sang in the face! I am *so* keeping to a clean, refresing, simple diet for the next month or so! *laugh*

Simple diet (she says, googling for the choc lava dessert she saw on the food channel last night)... *giggle*