Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mum's spicy pork ribs

6 large onions
2 whole bulbs of garlic
6 bird's eye chillies
1 heaped tbsp tauchu paste / blended tauchu (tauchu is fermented soya paste)
4 tbsp of vegetable oil
(Don't use olive oil as it doesn't have a high enough smoke point)
700gms of pork ribs

Peel onions & garlic.
Blend with chillies.
Heat oil in pot. Add blended paste & tumis (fry till fragrant).
Keep fire at medium. The idea is to sweat the onions till it releases its moisture & natural oils. Too high a fire will burn the onions before it gets to that stage.

Depending on how large a pot you're using, you may need  more oil.
Add more oil if you see the paste getting gluggy as you stir.

Add tauchu. Mix well.
(Tauchu tends to burn, so we didn't add it earlier, and you want to watch it at this stage.)
Add pork Ribs.
Stir till coated.
Add water till it just covers the ribs.
Wait till it starts to boil, then turn down the flame till it's a gentle simmer.
Simmer till tender.