Friday, September 17, 2010

A random conversation

Ronald's FB Status: Gay for Pay sparked a spirited discussion, including but not limited to the excerpt below. :)

Lyn: omfg that is so funny
Ken: I've got about $13.78 in my piggy bank, how much do you have? Good thing these G4P guys are always desperate
Ronald: ... $13.78???? I can't even buy Castle Crashers with that minuscule amount!!! pfff you a cheapskate ken. matt & me are painting the town red! (lol however you want to read that)
Lyn: HAHAHAHAHA You're only worth $13.78???!!!
Matt: That's like a billion yen so there's still that big number...
Lyn: here are hubcaps worth more than that... so pimping my car is going to cost more than pimping his ass??!!