Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day, love.

This Valentine's day, I'm taking stock of those I love.

Them who are there to hold your hand, for a hug, who feed you, medicate you, who tuck you in...
Who are there to drive you when you're drunk (and sometimes insist that you get drunk!)
Who are there with willing bodies to help with whatever, who are there in spirit, cheering you on...
Who pepper with sarcasm, scatter with light, roll with laughter, bless with tears and nag nag nag
Who let you dance, even if they can't understand the music
Whom you turn over in bed to spoon, reach across to kiss...
Whom you sms in  the wee hours when you can't sleep, or early in the morning for breakfast
Them whom you miss, and who miss you.

You, family
You, soulmate
You, friend
You, lover

My life is indeed rich.
I am indeed blessed.
I thank you for the kaleidoscope that is the tapestry of my life.