Monday, June 23, 2008

Concert: Air Supply

Took mum, dad & aunt. Ann was there on a media pass.

They've still got it :)

They look weathered, but their voices were still clear & soaring (particularly Russel Hitchcock's), and they could still hit all the right notes without cheating & bringing it down an octave. They were full of energy, prancing about the stage like young cikus, Hitchcock in leather pants, no less! *laugh* He looked like a little hobbit, dancing around. Laughed my arse off!

They played to a full house, young & old singing along to practically every song. Everyone knew the words! So not only did they give us a full 2-hr set with no intermission, but we *all* had a 2-hr set with no intermission! *laugh* Forgot to warm up my voice (ahem) so it cracked towards the end, which meant I couldn't sing all the way home *sob*

Mum sang along, and my dad was *so* totally immersed - stood up & cheered & clapped... waved hands in the air... it was all good.

I'm SO happy! It was SUCH a good time. SO much better than Connie Has-Been Francis, that's for sure!

I fell in love all over again.
They don't write songs like that anymore.
Someone tell me why...