Thursday, June 5, 2008

Petrol costs How much??????

Massive traffic jams nation-wide last night. Everyone was trying to get into any petrol station that still had gas. Several stations bottomed out as prices were set to increase by 40% by midnight. I had filled up the night before, so I was one of the lucky few who not only did not need to queue @ stations, but also did not need to face the traffic to get home.

With the rebate of RM625 pa, I need to pay about RM12/week over my average expenditure. That doesn't seem so bad... but I'm one of the lucky few who don't need to drive around for work, who currently live close to the office, who doesn't have kids to ferry to/fro for school/tuition/ballet/whatever. I'll only know true pain when I shift to USJ, some 30km away fr work.

I'm contemplating getting a motorbike. I've always wanted one, but it's always been drummed into my head that it's an instrument of death & destruction. *laugh* The way Malaysian drivers race about, that's not exactly untrue. Contemplating is about as close as I get, I suspect. *laugh*

I'm still waiting for the protest groups to kick in.