Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Review: Indiana Jones & The Chrystal Skull

I've always been an Indy fan.
I did NOT like this Indy movie.

No really.

Who the hell wrote the story line???? Aliens from a different dimension???? After 10 years, THIS is what you come up with??? Are you KIDDING ME???? Who do I direct angry emails to???

Harrison still looks good in the Indy suit at age 65. Stunts were ok lah, considering.
The woman who heads the KGB baddie team reminds me of Edna Mode.
Shia is a fonz wannabe. If that's what he was going for, Good Job! They even worked in a greeser-college boy battle in a cafe, for crying out loud.

All the cliches were worked to the max.
Single parent family, kid - a little difficult, but a good kid at heart... old flame who didn't tell him about the kid... eventually they bond, blah blah blah.

I'm sorry I watched the movie. It left a bad taste in my mouth. Disappointing, to say the least. What were they thinking?????