Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Moving on up...

I may be moving out. In a month.

My youngest sister, Lisa, is waiting for her university placement results. She's applied for digital/graphic design. Anticipating that our University system will cock up & offer her something ridiculous like dance or veterinary medicine (you laugh, but it's happened to people we actually know), mum has made arrangements to enroll her in a private college. If this private college option goes through, semester starts July 7th. She'll need a place to crash till the hostel space works itself out. That could be anywhere fr 3 - 9 months.

There's no space in the house for her as it stands now. There are some idiosyncrasies of my grand aunt that need to be preserved. I'm looking to buy a house, but even if I decide on one now, I won't be moving in for at least 6 months.

My aunt has an apartment in the city that's currently empty. It's a better solution than making the dining room a room for my sister. (I know! That's Completely WTFareyoutalkingaboutWillis??? Hence the alternative of me moving into the city)

So yeah. I may be moving out. In a month.

I've never been on my own. Ever. I went from my parents' house to my grand aunt's house when I came to KL for uni. And I've been there ever since.

Oh my God. I'm leaving Neverland. I'm terrified.
Cos Wendy darling, I sure don't want to grow up!