Saturday, September 5, 2009


I'd just heard of 15Malaysia recently. Yes, I'm slow and generally clueless. It's a project where 15 Malaysian filmmakers make 15 short films about all things Malaysian, generally on a shoe-string budget. Some deal with Hillarious misconceptions and stereotypes (eg Potong Saga & Halal), whilst others tackle not-so-funny issues like nationalism, gangsterism, morality, etc.

I was Particularly surprised that One Future was allowed to exist. I would have thought that we weren't as tolerant as that. Perhaps there is hope for us after all.

Malaysians: I hope you get the pun on "Potong Saga". Yes, it's "chinkified" Proton Saga, but it's also literally Potong Saga. As in a saga about Potong. Yes, I am HIGHLY amused. *grin*

Some clips below, and official website is


Potong Saga:

One Future: