Sunday, May 29, 2011

4 iPad2: blogging blues

Ok so this damn thing is damn fidgety when it comes to blogging. The keypad is an ok size - I find I'm learning to type fairly quickly. I'm sure that I'll figure out how to navigate the damn auto-corrector too, eventually.

However, if you want to post en entry with a YouTube embedded,  i would recommend you poke yourself in the eye for fun instead. 

Problem 1: No YouTube embed code. 
The pad is designed to overcome the flash problem by automatically switching to a separate YouTube program, which does not come with embed codes. You could copy that from previous entries, you think? That leads me to ... 

Need an updated version of safari to be able to use the compose tab on blogspot. That's ok though. I edit HTML only anyway. 

However, infind that the damn entry frame is a no scroll zone! WTF?? Which means, to circumnavigate problem 1, if your prev entry is of any substantial length, you have to access the edit screen of the prev entry with the youtube embed, select all, copy, paste in note, delete the flak, reselect & recopy, and paste in the HTML edit frame of blogspot. 

And heaven help you if you go to a previous paragraph and want to go back to end of the piece. NO SCROLLING, remember?! I'm doing this entry in Note as we speak =p

Problem 3: the YouTube program does not give you the video URL.
Open a separate safari window, find the same damn YouTube video, and copy the URL from there. No, by the way, no embed codes here either.

Facebook notes function.
OK this isn't technically blogging, but I use it that way too, when i think the audience is appropriate, or if I'm tagging someone... so I'm putting this here.

Problem 4: cannot write notes.
Yes, at all. I'm using safari here, not some fancy app. Just good ol HTML. Can't do it. You can, however, key in the subject & tag the note... You just can't do any actual writing.

That's all I've come across so far... But then this was my first blog entry. I haven't even attempted anything fancy. =p


Eng said...

scroll ..... one way that works sometimes is to press and hold, that'll activate the magnifying glass, then move the magnifying glass to the edge and it'll scroll.

Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't

Stupid Apple !!!

Lyn said...

Would you believe that worked???!!! You hv to be in edit mode, so you hv to hv already positioned your screen to show the edge of the window to get any scrolling done, but by Jove it works!

So only semi-cacat Apple it is!